Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm a difficult friend...

I can only imagine that I'm a difficult friend to have...

I'm not nasty, or malodorous, at least as far as I know...

But I do maintain a certain distance, I think it's partly because of my work, there is a difficulty with managing people who you'd rather be friends with.

So, it's easier to be their manager and not be their friend. In fact I specialise in the art of the distance. It's a little bit of smart mouth, a touch of disappearance and a smidgeon of not responding to calls / texts.

Oh and rarely making public appearances.

It's trying never to be drunk in company, it's watching how much you reveal about your personal life and it's about careful misdirection of conversations, usually through humour.

The question is whether this distancing is work related, or has it been a life long thing?

My mother used to say that I made friends easily, I suspect every mother says / wishes that.

But, it's true. I get on well with most people, I guess I have a certain oily charm.

The problem is, I retreat then, I step back and I drift away.

I do it to friends, I most definitely do it in relationships.

I don't really know why. Sometimes, I just prefer to be by myself, living in my head, having quiet and space. Maybe, because I work in a "soft skilled" industry and I spend a lot of my day adjusting behaviours and sidestepping egos. But I don't think that's the real reason.

I'm happiest in my own head. Odd, but true.

So, all my life I've drifted off, leaving in the dead of night, metaphorically, slipping loose from the moorings and setting off across a new horizon. I have made and lost friends, started and never finshed relationships, had more great first dates than I could count...

But some people are relentless. The small but ferocious band of friends I have amaze me. They just will not let go. They persist beyond all reasonable effort, to the point where I eventually ask myself, "what exactly am I resisting?"

That is the mystery, I like these people, damm it, I love some of them, I am amazed at their persistence, curious as to what they see in me that is worth pursuing...

Some, prod me, poke me and drive me to do things I like doing. Like posting here.

Some, push me, challenge me and try to break me out of my gloomy rut.

Some, I've left behind and wish I hadn't.

It bothers me, in my secret heart, I wonder if I'm missing something, am I wired wrongly? Why, when I have the social skills, do I prefer to hide, to duck and skulk?

And why in God's name do Paul and the rest persist?

All I can say, is, Thanks


Blogger Jo said...

Perhaps they stay for the writing. I'm loving the writing.

3:33 PM  
Blogger bennyboy said...

Why do we persist?

You're decent and honourable. Actually care about people, answer honest questions honestly, are in touch with both sides of yourself, that rarest of things - a good boss, give well thought out advice, generous with your time (when you're not hiding of course), funny, encouraging, incredibly respected in what you do. Decent blogger.

What exactly are you resisting? ;)


3:42 PM  
Blogger Midget Wrangler said... are stuck with me anyway! I have to tell you what I've discovered about blogging and living in your head.....not now though, was at a socialist meeting last night, and now my brain is frazzled!

I love you for that person you are in your head, and I don't love easily, so you must be special!


4:48 AM  
Blogger ScotchCait said...

i think the effort put into writing this, actually reflects what a good friend you are, and shows why people are persisting.

Either that, or they want your body.

6:44 AM  
Blogger Bonn said...

Some people like their own company more than others. Lots in fact. And they're all friends of mine. Which is annoying because I feed on having lots of social interaction and it's ironic that everywhere I go I befriend introverts. But there's nothing wrong with either. It's just a state of being.

I love this post. I'm including myself in there for right or wrong because I want to be part of the poetry. I told you you're a great tragic poet.

4:42 PM  

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