Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Shroud

So, I'm away for the weekend...

I'm sitting in a pub and I glimpse through a door a very, very odd picture.

It's like an impressionist Edward Munch...

I didn't go to see what it actually was, I'm guessing some kind of awning, propped against a wall, viewed through a frosted glass window....



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree...spooky. After staring at this for picture for a solid ten minutes, I couldn't quite make sense of what I was looking at. But I did notice something that was quite strange...Southpaw noticed it too...

Is it just our eyes and imagination, or is there really a somewhat off-centered skull staring back at me?

See what you've done? Now I need to turn on my night light :-(

8:37 PM  

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