Sunday, March 12, 2006

The concept...

I was at a gathering of Bloggers last night... and as is customary at these things, eventually everyone there gave out about my inconsistency in posting, about my posting of the trivial and my posting about not posting...

I did explain to many and all that I had, in part because of these things, decided to retire my current blog and create this new one, which will see me post more often and on more interesting items, while also protecting my anonymity in the general world...

I have realised of course, that it would be difficult for me to write at length if I thought no one would ever read my thoughts, that primary ego gratification is a part of the ened to write in the first place...

I did have an interesting conversation with a friend, who I haven't seen in a while, she is an accomplished blogger, therapist and independent consultant... And I shared with her some of my thoughts on blogging...

I will recap on part of our discussion here, at the risk of returning to my old favourite theme of why and when I blog...

But, to some extent the point that she made is true - that blogging or any public display of your thoughts or creativity is in fact like art - it is an exhibition, a controlled display of things that you think when taken together have a merit.

In art, or in sculpture or in photogrpahy, the decision on what to include and what to leave out, the choices of what make the display are part of the nature of art... So, what we write, the tone we take, the amount of our lives we allow into the world is part of a structured display of content - an exhibition

In that way a blog is more than just a website, or a diary that is available on line - it is to some extent a work of personal creativity, which displays and details facets of the blogger's personality.

Some people my be more ostentatious than others in their displays - some people use simple blogging tools like closed community blogging - Bebo - and the like to interact with their friends... But the point of all of this, is that, it is a new way to define in part who you are and to tell the world how you feel and how you choose to interact with the world and other people...

In the same that you join a club, or name your house, or attend mass... Blogging is part of an expression of you - expressing yourself to the world at large

I think there is also a potential therapeutic role in it too - but I will return to that at another time....

In the meantime, with the advent of Irish Blogging Awards and having seen a room full of people who have had the courage and creativity to express themselves on line - I am optimistic that this may well be a new way to open debates and have conversations with the world at large in a way we have not done before...


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